I have been a Labor and Delivery nurse since 2003. I received my Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Rhode Island. I really enjoy providing education and helping families get off to a great start. Working with an amazing lactation consultant, I witnessed the importance of breastfeeding support. She saw how passionate I was and encouraged me to further my education, I became an IBCLC
in 2011. My role in lactation includes inpatient and outpatient counseling, I also hold weekly support groups. My 3 happily breastfed sons keep me busy. When I am not on a football or lacrosse field, I love cooking and traveling. Spending summers and making memories at our cottage in RI is also top on my list!
I have been a Labor and Delivery nurse since 2003. I received my Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Rhode Island. I really enjoy providing education and helping families get off to a great start. Working with an amazing lactation consultant, I witnessed the importance of breastfeeding support. She saw how passionate I was and encouraged me to further my education, I became an IBCLC
in 2011. My role in lactation includes inpatient and outpatient counseling, I also hold weekly support groups. My 3 happily breastfed sons keep me busy. When I am not on a football or lacrosse field, I love cooking and traveling. Spending summers and making memories at our cottage in RI is also top on my list!