Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care

As a child care professional, your support of breastfeeding families makes a difference. Moms, babies, employers AND child care providers benefit from breastfeeding. Breastfed babies are sick less often, spit-up less and their diapers are not as smelly.
To get started, take a look at the Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care toolkit below. You can sign up for help meeting the simple breastfeeding friendly guidelines using Go NAP SACC from the CT Department of Public Health.
Then, apply to be a CT Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Provider. You will get both the Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care and the Breastfeeding Friendly Employer awards along with a thank you gift from CT Department of Public Health and CBC.
Toolkits For Child Care
Toolkit For Family Child Care Homes
Toolkit For Child Care Center Professionals Toolkits with tips and resources to support Connecticut communities. Tips For Starting Your Breastfed Baby In Child Care Ideas and tips for families to help you prepare for starting your baby in child care. |